Finally, you should consider acquiring a multi-engine instructor rating. This means you get to log the time
you spend teaching as multi-engine time, which helps you meet the airline’s multi-engine time requirement.
The aircraft used is a Seminole PA-44 – Flight Cost $340.00 @ hour
Simulator – Cost $75.00 @ hour
FAA Certified Flight Instructors - Cost $85.00 @ hour
*Based on the FAA minimum flight training and Sierra’s estimated flight and ground instruction hours the
following is the estimated cost:
Dual Flight Hours (PA-44) – 10 hours @ $425.00 per hour = $4,250.00
Simulator (with instructor) – 4 hours @ $160.00 per hour = $640.00
1 on 1 Ground School – 15 hours @ $85.00 per hour = $1,275.00.
Pre/Post – 7 hours @ $85.00 per hour = $595.00.
E-Book/Material - $150.00.
Total estimated flight and ground training cost: $6,910.00*
Other Fees:
Application Fee - $150.00 (Non-refundable).
FAA Check ride - $1,000.00
FAA Check ride Recheck - $600.00
Dress Code
Materials: 2 white pilot shirts, 1 set of epaulets, 1 black tie. (To be provided by Sierra). Applicant needs to be
in full uniform: black slacks, black dress shoes, black belt, and long black dress socks.
** Each person’s ability and availability to fly vary. Any additional flight training cost, use of aircraft cost, or
instructor training cost will be the responsibility of the student pilot.